Reflect! Influenced by COVID-19, what changes will our home life bring to our home office?

In recent years as the COVID has broken out, millions of white collar and middle class workers change their work mode——home office

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In May 2020, about 35 percent of workers worked remotely because of COVID-19, according to U.S. data. Statistics Canada estimated about a third of paid Canadian workers worked mostly from home in early 2021, compared to four percent in 2016.

As time passes, workers of teleworking say working from home reduces commute times, improves work-life balance, and maintains or improves their productivity. People with children also appreciate the flexibility and ability to intersperse work with chores or child care.

Therefore, a home office is bound to become a common trend in the future. What changes will this make in our lives

1、 The demand for family space has increased

In addition to the daily leisure living space, we must set aside an additional table to deal with work, to carry out work more efficiently,

In addition, you can put some storage items on your desk that are conducive to the cleanness of the desktop, such as a small computer rack that makes you more comfortable

    2、Pay more attention to exercise and establish a good daily life

    Working at home means less time outdoors. Telling yourself to stop regularly, whether it’s making a cup of coffee or taking a deep breath, can help you relieve anxiety and fatigue

    3. Organize your space to achieve a comfortable and calm visual effect

    93% of people said that home is a harbor in one’s heart, which can bring inner peace and stability.

    When the use of space changes, you must find a way to tidy it up.

    It’s very simple. It doesn’t mean throwing away temporarily unused items. You can hide things you don’t like and put them in a box to find an appropriate balance between open storage and closed storage.

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